Alsana and Clara - A Study in History and Culture

Alsana Begum

The people of Bangladesh have been migrating to the United Kingdom since the
17th cenutry. The main reasons they immigrated were for better work and wages, and
to escape conflict in their homeland. London, in particular was a major draw for
its employment opportunities. In the 1970's, the government encouraged this
immigration in order to fill lower labor sectors.

However, this is not what brought Alsana to England. Alsana's family belongs to the
Islamic faith, like 98% of the Bangladesh people. Alsana was promised to Samad in
an arranged marriage. Despite her situation and her family's religious views, Alsana
is atheist and has a very independent spirit. She has strong opinions and isn't afraid
to speak her mind.

“From every minority she disliked, Alsana liked to single out one specimen for
spiritual forgiveness.” pg. 55 of White Teeth